Recipes and Examples#

Below are common short examples and recipes for use with WaveLink 1.0. This is not an exhaustive list, for more detailed examples, see: GitHub Examples

Listening to Events#

WaveLink 1.0 makes use of the built in event dispatcher of This means you can listen to WaveLink events the same way you listen to events.

All WaveLink events are prefixed with `on_wavelink_`

Outside of a Cog:

async def on_wavelink_node_ready(node: Node):
    print(f"Node {} is ready!")

Inside a Cog:

async def on_wavelink_node_ready(node: Node):
    print(f"Node {} is ready!")

Creating and using Nodes#

Wavelink 1.0 has a more intuitive way of creating and storing Nodes. Nodes are now stored at class level in a NodePool. Once a node has been created, you can access that node anywhere that wavelink can be imported.

Creating a Node:

# Creating a node is as simple as this...
# The node will be automatically stored to the global NodePool...
# You can create as many nodes as you like, most people only need 1...

await wavelink.NodePool.create_node(bot=bot,

Accessing the best Node from the NodePool:

# Accessing a Node is easy...
node = wavelink.NodePool.get_node()

Accessing a node by identifier from the NodePool:

node = wavelink.NodePool.get_node(identifier="MY_NODE_ID")

Accessing a list of Players a Node contains:

node = wavelink.NodePool.get_node()

Attaching Spotify support to a Node:

from wavelink.ext import spotify

node = await wavelink.NodePool.create_node(bot=bot,
                                           spotify_client=spotify.SpotifyClient(client_id=..., client_secret=...))

Searching Tracks#

The way you search for tracks in WaveLink 1.0 is different. Below are some common recipes for searching tracks.

A Simple YouTube search:

track = await"Ocean Drive", return_first=True)

Returning more than one result:

tracks = await"Ocean Drive")

SoundCloud search:

tracks = await

As a converter:

async def play(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, track: wavelink.YouTubeTrack):
    # The track will be the first result from what you searched when invoking the command...

Union converter:

async def play(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, track: typing.Union[wavelink.SoundCloudTrack, wavelink.YouTubeTrack]):
    # The track will be the first result from what you searched when invoking the command...
    # If no soundcloud track is found, YouTube will be searched...

Partial Tracks#

PartialTrack is a new way to search in WaveLink 1.0. Partial tracks are most useful when used together with the Spotify Ext. A PartialTrack allows you to queue a song that will only actually be searched for and result at play time.

This behaviour allows queuing large amounts of tracks without querying the REST API continuously.

A basic PartialTrack search:

async def play(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, search: str):
    partial = wavelink.PartialTrack(query=search, cls=wavelink.YouTubeTrack)

    track = await
    await ctx.send(f'**Now playing:** `{track.title}`')

PartialTracks’ with Spotify:

# Partial tracks makes queueing large playlists or albums super fast...
# Partial tracks only have limited information until they are played...

async def play(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, spotify_url: str):

    async for partial in spotify.SpotifyTrack.iterator(query=spotify_url, partial_tracks=True):


Creating Players and VoiceProtocol#

WaveLink 1.0 was reworked to revolve around’s new VoiceProtocol. What this means is that accessing your Player instance, is easier and more intuitive. Below are some common examples of how to use the new VoiceProtocol with WaveLink.

A Simple Player:

import discord
import wavelink

from discord.ext import commands

async def connect(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, channel: discord.VoiceChannel = None):
        channel = channel or
    except AttributeError:
        return await ctx.send('No voice channel to connect to. Please either provide one or join one.')

    # vc is short for voice client...
    # Our "vc" will be our wavelink.Player as typehinted below...
    # wavelink.Player is also a VoiceProtocol...

    vc: wavelink.Player = await channel.connect(cls=wavelink.Player)
    return vc

A custom Player setup:

import discord
import wavelink

from discord.ext import commands

class Player(wavelink.Player):
    """A Player with a DJ attribute."""

    def __init__(self, dj: discord.Member): = dj

async def connect(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, channel: discord.VoiceChannel = None):
        channel = channel or
    except AttributeError:
        return await ctx.send('No voice channel to connect to. Please either provide one or join one.')

    # vc is short for voice client...
    # Our "vc" will be our Player as type hinted below...
    # Player is also a VoiceProtocol...

    player = Player(
    vc: Player = await channel.connect(cls=player)

    return vc

Accessing the Player(VoiceProtocol) (with ctx or guild):

async def play(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, track: wavelink.YouTubeTrack):
    vc: wavelink.Player = ctx.voice_client

    if not vc:
        # Call a connect command or similar that returns a vc...
        vc = ...

    # You can also access player from anywhere you have guild...
    vc = ctx.guild.voice_client

Accessing a Player from your Node:

# Could return None, if the Player was not found...

node = wavelink.NodePool.get_node()
player = node.get_player(ctx.guild)


See: Spotify Documentation

Common Operations#

Below are some common operations used with WaveLink. Most WaveLink 1.0 operations are the same as stable release. See the documentation for more info.

# Play a track...

# Pause the current song...
await player.pause()

# Resume the current song from pause state...
await player.resume()

# Stop the current song from playing...
await player.stop()

# Stop the current song from playing and disconnect and cleanup the player...
await player.disconnect()

# Move the player to another channel...
await player.move_to(channel)

# Set the player volume...
await player.set_volume(30)

# Seek the currently playing song (position is an integer of seconds)...

# Check if the player is playing...

# Check if the player is connected...

# Check if the player is paused...

# Get the best node...
node = wavelink.NodePool.get_node()

# Build a track from the unique track base64 identifier...
await node.build_track(cls=wavelink.YouTubeTrack, identifier="UNIQUE_BASE64_TRACK_IDENTIFIER")

# Disconnect and cleanup a node and all it's current players...
await node.disconnect()

# Common node properties...

# Common player properties...
player.user  # The players bot/client instance...
player.source  # The currently playing song...
player.position  # The currently playing songs position in seconds...